Bright & Shiny

A work in progress, dispatches from an isolated assemblage/textile artist who flirts with OCD. Read me rant and rave about my attempts to exhibit, teach, and administers all things arty farty.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

More moaning and groaning

FIRST, a pleasant thought.....

The Feminist PPT presentation I had to complete for my grad ptg class is OVER! Thankfully, my professor allowed me to do it in my FNA 160 class, and I had intended to create one eventually (like all the other undone ppt presentations!!!) so it was a blessing in disguise. Although I didn't think that @ 7:00 a.m. this morning when my laptop was being pissy and I still had some serious work to do on it.

Unpleasant thoughts.....
1) The faculty show is yet to be finished and I'm really dragging physically and mentally. People try to talk to me or get me to form a complete thought or sentence. It ain't happening. Totally the opening credits to Shaun of the Dead.
2) Which is a serious problem, because I have my monthly column for the local newspaper due TOMORROW which is not STARTED and this is the FOURTH year in a row that I've had to vomit up something legible regarding the SAME ART EXHIBITION (it's the only column I write about an annual exhibition). So each year I have to come up with a different take on the show. This year I had intended to write about a specific person, but it's too late now to do that, and also (and those of you who work in academia know what I'm talkin' 'bout) lavishing attention on one person in these types of exhibitions can cause more strife than toy stealing with toddlers. No offense intended.

However, I did get that last painting (the heart, see post below) finished, and I'm really happy with it. The flip side: totally, completed fuckered up the Devil (again, see below). Ah, the ying and yang of it all. So, now, in sum, have four paintings ready for the UK show in January.

Back to the gallery...........


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